Thursday Plantation Lemon Oil 25ml
Thursday Plantation Lemon Oil 25ml
Thursday Plantation Lemon Oil is 100% Pure and it is cold pressed from the outer skin of the lemon fruit. Besides, Thursday Plantation Lemon Oil also helps support the mood and aids relaxation.
Features and benefits:
- Improve Mental Alertness
- Support Healthy Mood Balance
- Cleans & Freshens
For Improving Mental Alertness: Inhalation. Add 5 drops (1/4) in water in oil burner.
Cleans and Freshens: Add 2 capfuls to water to remove odours on floors, kitchens and hard surfaces.
NOT TO BE TAKEN. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes. Application to skin may increase sensitivity to sunlight. If irritation develops, discontinue use. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare professional. Not to be used in children under 5 years.